Anytime you upload information on a web hosting server, it requires a certain amount of space on the hdd depending on its particular overall size. When you operate a script-driven internet site which saves its info in a database, it will require more disk space, the more people use it. To give an example, in the event that you have a community forum, the greater number of comments people share, the larger the database gets. E-mail messages, particularly ones which have attachments, also need some disk space in the web hosting account. The disk space quota that you get with each shared website hosting provider is the overall amount of information you could have at any moment, which consists of web site files, email messages and databases. Likewise, a home computer has a hard disk drive and the computer programs installed on it in addition to all docs or music files that you make or download require some disk space, which cannot exceed the full capacity of the hard drive.

Disk Space in Shared Website Hosting

All our shared website hosting packages were developed with the idea that not enough storage space shouldn't be something that will prevent the progress of your web sites. That's why we have taken an approach which is not the same as the one that most website hosting companies use - rather than making a number of accounts on one server and eventually running out of storage space, we work with a cloud hosting platform in which the storage is taken care of by a large cluster of servers. Because of this, we can easily connect more machines whenever they are required and / or more HDDs, so as to offer you more disk space for all of the files of our valued customers. Individual clusters take care of your e-mail messages and your databases, consequently not only is it possible to develop your web sites not worrying about hdd space, but also all the servers will operate better and faster as each and every service has its own space for storage and an individual server doesn't handle different kinds of files.

Disk Space in Semi-dedicated Hosting

With all our semi-dedicated server packages, the hdd capacity characteristic is unrestricted, so that you will be able to focus on building your websites the way you like and never be concerned about getting to some limit. Unlike countless hosting suppliers that make accounts on just a single server, we use a custom-made cloud platform, that enables us to provide truly unrestricted hard disk space for each and every account. With just a single machine, there're only so many hard drives you can use, not mentioning that the most widespread hosting Control Panels are simply not made to work with multiple servers simultaneously. Our platform, on the other hand, includes clusters of servers for the site files, emails and databases, and our custom-built Hepsia Control Panel was designed to work with it. We can add as many servers to all of the clusters as required any time, so the hdd space is practically limitless.

Disk Space in VPS Web Hosting

All of our virtual private servers come with disk space quotas proportional to the processing power that you will get with each and every plan. Using a higher plan, for example, it is more likely you'll host numerous domains or a big web site, therefore your hdd space grows as you upgrade the package. If you employ the Hepsia hosting Control Panel, all of the domains will share the storage, while if you employ DirectAdmin or cPanel, you're able to generate individual website hosting accounts and allocate a restricted amount of the whole VPS storage for every specific domain name. You will even be able to reallocate disk storage from one domain to another if needed. If you order a particular VPS package and you need further space in the future, you'll be able to upgrade to a higher-end plan with no more than a few mouse-clicks in your billing area. The added resources will be included in your existing plan without downtime or content migration.

Disk Space in Dedicated Servers Hosting

Choosing Linux dedicated servers hosting packages you will get all the hdd space that you'll need for your websites, databases, email messages and apps. Hundreds of gigabytes of storage will be available and not shared with anyone else, thus you will be able to upload any data you need - web site files, personal or company archive backups, and many more. You will get no less than two separate hard disks that function well in RAID, so that one of the drives will mirror the other one in real time in order to ensure that your precious info is always secured. If you like, you will be able to use the disks separately and employ the entire space the way you see fit. If required, it is possible to get extra hard drives connected to the server and enjoy even more disk space. You have the option to make web hosting accounts with pre-defined disk space allocations when you order the server with cPanel or DirectAdmin for the hosting Control Panel. Choosing Hepsia, which is the 3rd Control Panel option on the order page, all of the domain names hosted on your server will share the hard disk storage and they'll be operated through one account. In either case, our dedicated plans will satisfy your requirements regardless of the kind of website you wish to host.